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Conexxus Takes on EMV Liability Shift & Solutions

A free July 15 webinar will offer tips to help retailers become compliant on the forecourt.
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ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Three months have passed since the outdoor EMV liability shift went into effect; however, some retailers are still behind in implementing the necessary upgrades.

To discuss what happens now and offer helpful tips, Conexxus is hosting a webinar, EMV Solutions Overview: Charge-Backs are Here; Know Your Options to Become Compliant, on July 15. Thursday's online event is part of the Conexxus 365 webinar subscription series, but there is no cost to attend this event.

Retailers who have not converted to outdoor EMV and are met with fraud are likely to be dealing with large expenditures to cover the liability of those fraud charges. While there are a number of large outdoor EMV solution providers offering new pump and retrofit solutions that we have covered in past sessions, this webinar will focus on some of the EMV solutions that retailers may be less familiar with, according to Conexxus.

Sponsored by Invenco, the webinar features Dan Harrell, chief innovation officer at Invenco, and Joshua Pynn, strategic insights consultant at CMSPI.

For more information on the webinar, click here. To register, sign up for a free or full content subscription to Conexxus365, then use the register link to sign up to attend live. With a subscription, you will also be able to watch the on-demand replay at any time following the live event.

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